Dunk lands himself in it again

Clever Dunk, who knows best, doesn’t know what he’s saying any more (did he ever?).

This is just a quick post. But he was asking if anyoen (sic) knew about MS Access. A member asked why he wanted to know – his answer follows…

#186102 -minutes seconds ago
Re: Anyoen know much about Microsoft Access? [Re: GGardiner]
Dunk Dunk Administrator
Registered: 20/08/04
Posts: 19995
Hi mate. I want to create a new members database with various fields. I have Access but have no experience of it. The original database that we have is old now and doesn’t have new fields that are needed now but that weren’t a few years back 🙂

I started it up and it looks dead confusing. Now I’m no thicko and I can teach myself anything but it’s the lack of time I have to get my head around new things. It’s no good me asking any of the monkeys here to spend time on it as they’re even slower than me, at least my excuse is that I’m always busy

Hmmm. This got my attention straight away. Because last summer he was saying this…

KopTalkInsider.com KopTalk Staff
Reged: 28/07/03
Posts: 22650
Your Privacy
#1545158 – 13/07/06 11:37 AM

We take your privacy very, very seriously.

For each member that participates we ask you to provide certain personal information, which is for security reasons only.

We only need this information to administer your account. It is never shared with anyone else, nor is it used for marketing of any description.

We do not need to be registered with the Data Protection Act as we are exempt for two reasons:

1) Accounts and Records are exempt unless processed or obtained from a credit reference agency

but more importantly:

2) No personal data is held or stored on any computer system

If you chose to cancel your membership or if we cancel it, we destroy any information we hold on you. Such paperwork is shredded several times.

The only way for people to obtain any information about you is through your public profile. We strongly urge you not to disclose your email address or details of where you work etc.

To edit your public profile click on MY HOME above top right.

If you publish your email address on the forums you are likely to be spammed. If you wish to contact another member you can do this through us.

Oh dear Duncan. Another cock-up?

For more on why Dunk lied last July, or lied today, or both – see this old post from last summer.  It was all part of the fallout from Dunk’s botched attempt to find “the bloggers”. He thought if he breached all his members’ privacy and illegally changed the Terms and Conditions of their membership (without notice or the right to cancel and get a refund) he would find us.

He didn’t.

Dunk – you should use the access database to keep track of your lies. Because you’re too thick to remember them.

And if anyone has time, the powers-that-be in charge of the data protection act might be interested in Dunk’s admission that he’s been keeping personal information about his members on a computer system for some time. There’s a screenshot here if you need it…


5 Responses to “Dunk lands himself in it again”

  1. chapeau du soleil Says:

    hahaha the stupid fuck. The Data Protection registrar may be getting an email 🙂

  2. An Observer Says:

    Time Oldham gave up, he’s fucked, no way he can get away with his lies anymore.

  3. dataimaginary Says:

    Classic dumb and dumberer, Dunkin actually admits in public that he uses software to keep track of his members – illegally.

    Interesing reply from Ggardiner – surely he’s not suggesting using illegal copies of software? Perhaps the Federation against software theft should be told?

  4. Insider Insider Says:

    Dunk’s now posted this:

    “#187076 – Today at 07:00 PM Something to store contacts, a diary, organiser etc
    Dunk Dunk Administrator
    Registered: 20/08/04
    Posts: 20040
    I need a new personal organiser or something that I can take around with me that has all my contacts in, a diary, emails etc. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions?

    I’m currently using an Orange SPVM2000 but there has to be a better option these days. I’m starting to fly around Europe a lot more on a regular basis so I need to take the office with me.

    The laptop is great once I get to a hotel room or cafe but I really need something I can refer to when someone calls me up asking for a password or telephone number 🙂 “

    Starting to fly round Europe more? But he didn’t use his ticket to go to the biggest game of Liverpool’s season, in Athens. And why does he not just store the passwords and phone numbers on the desktop PCs he uses in the KT Portacabin?

  5. lfc_michael Says:

    Actually, my interpretation of the response to his post was that the member was offering to amend the database file for him, if he sent it. Of course, he may well not do that, but it would certainly be unauthorised sharing of the information if he did.

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